Project 543

The North Carolina tourism folks have started a blog (via an ad agency I can’t figure out) featuring great state destinations vignetted by beautiful type design. You can see the entire Project 543 collection here. Doesn’t it just make you want to get in the car and go to NC? Well, I already kinda felt that way…

Project 543

Inspiring Reminders

Just when I start to feel like the things I’m making are all from someone else’s template or pattern (I am learning, after all), I run across something like Olympia Le-Tan’s collection and am reminded all over again how amazingly unique and clever craft can be.


Le-Tan recreates awesome, vintage book covers in felt and embroidery, then makes them into handbags! As a book-sale junky, I recognize many of the beautiful covers and titles. I’m so inspired to retreat to my little world and create. Continue reading “Inspiring Reminders”

Inspiring Reminders

Teeny Tiny Earrings


Aren’t these the most precious little skulls you’ve ever seen? These darling earrings are small enough that they will be subtle, but for the person curious enough to get a closer look, they will be a funny little surprise!

Did I mention I got my ears pierced? As a full-grown adult. It’s been fun finding new earrings to try. And I’m even making some! More to come on that soon.

They came from the Etsy shop Ringostone, which has a ton of cute, subtle jewelry (most of which are not skulls).

Teeny Tiny Earrings

Here kitty, kitty

Years ago, my parents bought a house in Mississippi that had an old shed in the back yard. I, of course, immediately explored the rickety structure. Under the work bench I discovered a poor little cat skeleton that had clearly been there for several years. The skull was in perfect condition so I took it home with me.

Meanwhile, a very talented artist has been creating the most amazing works using the found skulls of various animals and wool felt. Kit Lane’s art is the perfect balance of cute, earthy, and a touch unsettling. Her little worlds feel like the stuff of dreams…of ages passing and layers of life occurring on top of each other with every passing year. I adore them.

Photo: Kit Lane

Continue reading “Here kitty, kitty”

Here kitty, kitty

Skeins from the Road

See what I did there? Scenes…Skeins? Yes.

Image: Shaun Kardinal, "Alterations"

I came across this great stitch-and-paper artist today. Shaun Kardinal’s lines are so well executed, both in craft and design. This series of embroidered vintage postcards, “Alterations,” is stunning.

Image: Shaun Kardinal, "Alterations"
Image: Shaun Kardinal, "Alterations"

I love seeing stitches used in unusual ways! He is certainly elevating embroidery. It’s a big inspiration after my Paper Heart!

Skeins from the Road